Monday, August 31, 2020

Reasons for Choosing SAN Data Storage


In today’s world of IT, organizations don’t just need an IT storage solution, they need something a lot more. They need a solution that can offer many benefits as well.

So, this is why iSCSI SAN storage solutions came into existence and became immediately popular as they offer so much more than just data storage.

Better Disk Utilization with SAN Storage

The number one benefit of choosing the SAN data storage system is better disk utilization. What this does is that it gives you the ability to slice up the central pool of storage resources at the network level and also assign that storage more intelligently to the servers that really need it.

If this was not possible, you would have to buy tons of space and all that space would go to use until and unless it is being used completely.

Better Availability with SAN Storage

Applications usually fail because of data becoming corrupted. In SAN data storage systems, the storage arrays used are very good and reliable. They use efficient data protection algorithms which make sure that your enterprise data always stays consistent. This is how SAN data storage systems offer better availability.

Faster Backups with SAN Storage

Another reason to use SAN data storage is if you want faster backups. Decreasing the time needed to back up huge amounts of data is also one of the major benefits of SAN data storage and this is what is required by the enterprises nowadays.

Nowadays, hardware-based exact duplicates of data are made almost instantly. These duplicates of data can easily be used as either for backup purposes of your data or as a source for backing up that data to SAN storage. Either way, with SAN storage, you are able to create faster backups than ever before.

Good DR Solution with SAN Storage

If you have a lot of critical servers in your data center running applications that at no cost can go down and need to be recovered immediately if a disaster strikes, then you definitely need a SAN data storage system.

Although the upfront costs for implementing a SAN storage Disaster Recovery (DR) solution are high, the benefits can be realized in just a single hour if a disaster happens. The cost of downtime is critical in every organization and no one wants an extensive downtime. A SAN data storage or a san-based disaster recovery solution can do wonders as it offers less downtime and keeps the enterprise's data safe.


SAN data storage solutions offer a lot of benefits to the organizations that cannot be overlooked. All of the above-mentioned benefits also, act as a reason for choosing SAN data storage solutions as they add a lot of value to the enterprise and this is exactly what enterprises want from there data storage solution nowadays.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Software Storage Solutions- How Do They Work?

Software storage solutions have been on the IT map for quite a while now and are beginning to gain a lot of interest from enterprises all around the world. This is because unlike traditional storage, software storage solutions are designed to explicitly support the diversity, virtualization and self-service needs of the modern data center.

Software defined storage solutions allow automated, agile, reliable and cost-effective infrastructure to keep pace with the exponential growth of enterprise data.

Reduce Fragmentation with Software Storage Solutions

Fragmentation caused by data silos limits the visibility and adds friction in a broad range of use cases, from data analytics to regulatory compliance to backup and recovery.

A software storage solutions platform that supports multiple storage protocols, including block, file, and object, lets enterprises consolidate these silos in a common infrastructure. This consolidated software storage solutions platform can simplify storage management while also improving overall cost efficiency due to automation and orchestration.

Get High Availability & Improve Disaster Recover with Software Storage Solutions

One thing that can really help organizations is the ability to store and manage data really easily across different environments. This can help organizations reduce the business impact of a potential hardware failure, which can be from a single disk or node to an entire site.

With software storage solutions, data can be written to multiple locations simultaneously which makes it unnecessary to physically move data in the event of a disaster. What this does is that this makes it simpler to ensure high availability on multi-site for all the applications across all the geographically dispersed data centers.

There is no need for enterprises to deploy a lot of complex and expensive replication technologies on top of their storage infrastructure to meet business continuity and disaster recovery SLAs. As a result, uptime increases while at the same time, costs decrease.

Improved Scalability with Software Storage Solutions

Software storage solutions can be scaled up and scaled out seamlessly using off-the-shelf commodity servers. In other words, these solutions follow a “pay-as-you-grow” model which enables enterprises to add storage capacity only when it’s needed.

This eliminates the need for overprovisioning and the wasted capital expense that hyperconverged servers brings along while also helping storage admins respond quickly to changing business needs. As a result, IT can improve business alignment while at the same time, avoiding the dreaded forklift upgrade.


Software storage solutions have been on the forefront ever since their introduction. This is simply because of the many features that these solutions offer to enterprises that use these solutions. It is safe to say that software storage solutions are the future of data storage and are definitely here to stay as apart from the many benefits they offer, they also offer enterprises convenience and peace of mind about their data storage strategy.